We believe the lab should be a supportive environment for everyone. As PIs, we promise to support your careers. We will do this by helping to shape your experimental questions and to give you the resources to be successful. We will also offer feedback, guidance, and advice as you navigate your personal career path. We expect everyone to work hard, and to leave time to enjoy life. We welcome your input on our leadership styles, and expect all lab members will be kind and respectful towards each other and the work we are all doing.


We strive to carry out our scientific investigations in the most rigorous way possible. Rigor begins in the planning phase. Together we will identify the most pressing experimental questions and plan the details of the experiments before beginning. We expect trainees to spend time learning and piloting techniques so you are technical experts before beginning to collect data, to carry out well-controlled experiments with care and precision, and to interpret your data with an open mind.


We believe in sharing knowledge and resources, both in the lab, and with outside colleagues. Frequent communication in a friendly, open environment fosters collaboration, exciting scientific discoveries, and good will in the scientific community.

This page will continue to evolve as the labs grow.